

祝贺2018年的获奖者! 了解更多关于每位获奖者的信息. 了解更多关于每个奖项和 查看过去的收件人.


兰德·森本博士.D. is a tech industry pioneer with his career spanning over four decades with the past 32 years as the founder and President of Convergent Computing, a San Francisco Bay Area based technology and strategy consulting firm whose consultants serve some of the largest enterprises in the United States and Asia.  兰德写了60多本关于技术的畅销书, 商业策略, 法规遵从性, 每个月都在世界某个地方的会议或大会上发言.

森本博士曾服务于克林顿家族, 布什, 以及奥巴马政府的千年虫问题, 网络安全, and Cyberterrorism advisor to develop federal and international standards on consumer and business security and protection.

兰德在十大正规网赌平台完成了工商管理硕士学位, 担任学院的摄政王, 是科学学院顾问委员会的成员, and is currently a member of the Board of Trustees serving as the Chair of the Academic Affairs and Enrollment Committee, 及书院管治委员会成员.

除了他在科技和学术领域的工作, Rand furthers his interest in sciences and education being a Research Council Board member for the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University and has served on the Board for the Chabot Space and Science Center as well as on the Advisory Board for the Institute of International Education (IIE) that administers the Fulbright 奖学金.


Marilyn Paquette has been passionately working in Lasallian 任务 for nearly 20 years. 1997年从圣玛丽中学毕业后, 玛丽莲在教育学院开始了她的教师资格证书.

不久之后,玛丽莲成为了一名喇沙修士志愿者. She served for two years as the 8th grade teacher at San Miguel School in Providence, Rhode Island - a middle school focused on serving students from low-income families.  

Marilyn completed her teaching credential at SMC in 2001 and was then hired as a history teacher and campus minister at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep in San Francisco, where she was introduced to student programs run by the District for Lasallian High 学校 and participated in the Lasallian 领导 Institute.  

From 2006-2011 Marilyn worked as the Director of Student Programs for Lasallian schools. Working in the Office of Education for Lasallian schools she Lasallian formation opportunities for students and adults that helped her gained a sense of the larger scale of Lasallian work.

2011年,玛丽莲接受了贾斯汀-锡耶纳高中(Justin-Siena High School)女子学院院长的职位.

While serving on the Board of Trustees for De La Salle High School she learned of a position at a Miguel school serving boys from low-income families. 在贾斯汀-锡耶纳大学当了三年院长之后, Marilyn left to open De La Salle Academy in 2014 and was honored to be named as the founding principal.



Christopher Sindt博士

Christopher Sindt is a professor of English ,目前 serves as 负责学术事务的副教务长. 他从2000年起就在圣玛丽医院工作. 

在圣玛丽的十七年里, Sindt在学术领导和管理方面有着堪称典范的记录, 担任MFA创意写作项目主任, 文学院的副院长, 卡尔马诺维茨教育学院院长, 研究生和专业研究副教务长, ,目前, 负责学术事务的副教务长. 他目前的投资组合包括广泛的领域, 比如职业和专业发展, 社区参与, 教育的有效性, 教师发展, 制度研究, 国际研究, 赞助的研究, 学生的成功. In 2011-2012, 他被选为美国教育委员会会员, 全国一流的大学管理人员培训项目.   He currently serves as chair-elect of the Board of Directors of the Council of 研究生s and Vice President of the Board of the Directors of the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley.

Sindt在加州大学获得英语硕士和博士学位, 戴维斯, 在加州大学获得英语学士学位, 洛杉矶. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships for his poetry, including the James D. 费伦奖以及麦克道尔殖民地和蓝山中心的奖学金. He is the author of two collections of poetry, The Bodies, and most recently, System and Population. 除了诗歌, 他的研究兴趣包括加州文学, 环境文学. 他是SMC环境素养中心的联合主任.










Karl Beutner '71医学博士,博士

卡尔·R. Beutner ’71 was a founding member and first Chairperson of the Saint Mary’s College 理学院 Advisory Board. He and his wife Mary have strongly supported efforts to purchase much needed equipment for the 理学院.

After graduation Karl went on to earn MA and PhD in microbiology and immunology as well as an MD from the State University of New York at Buffalo. 之后在加州大学洛杉矶分校实习和住院医生, a fellowship in immunology and infectious diseases and a residency in dermatology at the University of Rochester.

然后,他回到了他的家乡Vallejo, CA实践皮肤病学. In addition to building a clinical practice he started a clinical trials group that conducted hundreds of clinical trials resulting in the development of new treatments and vaccines for a variety of skin diseases.

随着时间的推移,他倾向于在生物技术/制药领域工作. He was Chief Medical Officer of Dow Pharmaceutical Sciences which was acquired by Valent Pharmaceuticals and Anacor Pharmaceuticals which was acquired by Pfizer.  Currently along with his clinical practice he is co-founder CEO and CMO of DermBiont a company focused on the cutaneous microbiome to better understand and treat skin diseases.

卡尔和玛丽也为他们的盖尔孩子感到骄傲. Beutner III ' 06是安进公司的计算生物学家, 他的妻子艾米丽·罗宾斯·博特纳2008年是拉雷纳高中的学生院长, 凯瑟琳·R. Beutner 07年是斯坦福大学的执业护士,Matthew R. 特纳米.D. ’11 an internal medicine resident at UCSF Fresno and his wife Sara Cardoso Beutner ’11, 克洛维斯联合学区. Sara and Emily are currently on maternity leave with future Gaels Adeline and Elizabeth.




Yusuf Nessary is the proud son of two Afghan refugees who emigrated to 洛杉矶 in 1980. 他毕业于十大正规网赌平台,获得社会学文学学士学位. 在SMC任职期间,Yusuf一直致力于CILSA和Jumpstart, 并因其对该组织的领导而获得全国认可.  在西北大学获得学士学位后, he founded Zam Zam Water; a global humanitarian organization working to eradicate poverty by increasing communities' access to clean water, 素质教育, 可持续农业. 自7月26日成立以来, 2014, Zam Zam已经筹集了超过1美元,000,通过草根资助,影响了超过25人的生活,全世界有1000人. 今年早些时候, 尤素福在梵蒂冈首届分水岭会议上发表讲话, 由教皇和罗马俱乐部促成. 作为小组中唯一的千禧一代, 他谈到了水的重要性以及它对子孙后代的意义. 



曼迪圣经'07 -名人堂入选者

三次入选全西海岸联盟, Bible graduated as one of the most accomplished players in the history of the women's volleyball program.

She ended her career as a Gael first in total assists with 5,362, first in assists per game with 12.47, 发球得分第一(128), 发球次数第一(1980年), 盖帽助攻榜第二(400次),抢断榜第九(939次). During her sophomore campaign Bible and the Gaels made an impressive run into the NCAA Tournament, 在甜蜜16强中被华盛顿大学取代. 盖尔人队在那个赛季两次击败了未来的全国冠军斯坦福大学. 圣经还获得了两次全国最佳球员的荣誉. 

从2009年到2015年,Bible在欧洲的几个地方继续她的职业生涯. 她作为斯洛文尼亚OK Luka Koper排球俱乐部的成员开始了她的职业生涯, 2010-11赛季获得一枚铜牌. In 2011, 她签约了ASKO林茨Steg排球俱乐部,并参加了CEV杯, 中欧联赛和奥地利联赛. 她帮助俱乐部在两个赛季都获得了奥地利联赛的第二名, 并在2012-13赛季进入了CEV杯四分之一决赛. 在2013-14年休假之后, Bible re-signed with OK Luka Koper and earned an award for best setter in Slovenia while helping the club reach the finals of the Slovenian Cup. 在海外,她遇到了她的丈夫乌鲁斯. 去年3月,他们生下了第一个儿子凯. 

She returned to Saint Mary's to begin her coaching career ,目前 serves an assistant women's volleyball coach. 
